5 Ways to have the Ultimate Grad Night with a Giant LED Screen

Confetti falling down on an audience at a concert

Graduation Night has the potential to be one of the most memorable nights during the teenage years. It can feel like a giant step from adolescence to adulthood. It’s the culmination of many years of hard work. It’s also a unique opportunity for teens of all kinds of social groups to come and celebrate together in a special way.

I have a hard time remembering a lot about my experience in high school, but I vividly remember my Grad Night because of how surprisingly awesome it was. I played games and had fun with classmates I had never spent any time with before. We laughed and sang Karaoke together, belting out songs together when we might’ve shared only a few words during our years in school. There was something magical about that night that made everyone, even teachers and school staff, feel like instant close friends.

Because of all that, and since Prom and Graduation can be some of the highest risk nights for young people, we here at Stellar XP have a few ways our Giant 17’x10’ LED Screen can help make your Grad Night the ultimate fun, safe and memorable experience for teens.

group of smiling event goers displayed on a mobile jumbotron

1. Slideshows or Videos of Special Memories

For many teens, Grad Night is the last time they’ll ever see many of their fellow classmates. It’s also a completely unique party experience because every student is invited and can share a “spirit of togetherness” as they celebrate with one another. An easy and effective way to build these feelings of community and nostalgia is to display a slideshow. You can show pictures or videos from the past year, early childhood photos for them to guess who’s who, videos of students sharing their favorite memories, footage from the graduation ceremony itself, and more! This is a great way for the teens to be entertained throughout the night as they wait for other activities or just hang out.

Group of graduates playing video games at a grad party

2. Video Games

One of our most popular screen activities we have at parties for young people is video games. We have games where 8 people can play at once with little to no learning curve so they can be enjoyed right away. Also, since rounds can be as quick as 2-5 minutes that means there’s little wait time to play. Students can have fun watching each other play a variety of games, play games where they work together or compete against each other, or even have gaming tournaments with fun prizes. No matter what their gaming experience is they can have a blast playing on probably the biggest screen they will ever play on in their lives!

Graduation party karaoke shown on a large LED display

3. Karaoke

Grad Nights are famous for incredible Karaoke. It can be one of the most fun activities of the night for both participants and spectators. Music events are always a big draw with students, and with our massive 17’x10’ screen, Karaoke goes to the next level because you can either have a much bigger group participate, or make them feel like the stars of the show by showing their close-ups on screen so people near or far can enjoy watching them. Plus our built-in powerful speakers make it so everyone can enjoy hearing them as well!

Two people with headsets playing virtual reality games on a mobile LED screen

4. Virtual Reality

It’s no surprise that Virtual Reality is quickly becoming one of the most fun and entertaining activities you can have at a Grad Night. With our large screen everyone will be able to watch the experience too! To optimize the fun, you can show what the participant is seeing as well as a close-up of their reactions. There are virtual experiences that are calm and relaxing, intense and engaging, and ones so awe-inspiring and creative that our participants will be dropping their jaws in amazement. One of my favorite Stellar XP party memories has been watching a young man experience a virtual roller coaster and just scream non-stop in enjoyment while everyone around him fell over in tears from laughing so much.

Students receiving awards at a graduation ceremony, displayed on an event LED screen

5. Giving Awards or Prizes

Having our giant 17’x10’ LED screen at your Grad Night is a great way to highlight a student's accomplishments as well. It can really make them feel like a superstar when they see themselves on the jumbotron. Just like when someone is at a professional sporting event and they see themselves on-screen and go wild with excitement, there’s something incredibly exhilarating about seeing yourself “larger than life.” This is a wonderful way to celebrate a student’s hard work or achievements in front of their peers.

It’s also a fun way to announce prize winners at Grad Night. With our cameras you can zoom in on them as their name is called to add to the thrill of winning. You can also have a digital, spinning prize wheel on-screen to make announcing the winners even more exciting.

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You Dream it 〰️ We Make it Happen 〰️

GradNight.org states that “Great entertainment is truly the key to a successful and memorable Grad Night [and] should include things that the graduates are unable to do on a regular basis.” Renting Stellar XP’s LED Screen is a great way to accomplish that goal and help make your students’ Grad Night such a spectacular and “once-in-a-lifetime” event that they’ll remember and treasure it for the rest of their lives!

Students celebrating by throwing their caps at a graduation ceremony